
Portrait of Yang Katie Zhao

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]


[Brief summary of below section, include additional information about educations/experience.]

Research Interests

My research interest spans domain-specific acceleration chip design, computer architecture, and agile design automation. Specifically, my recent research centers around enabling ubiquitous AI-powered intelligent functionalities, particularly highlighting a holistic solution from efficient architectures, to chips, and to integrated systems and advocating the design insight of marrying algorithm-hardware co-design techniques with application-level opportunities.

Ph.D. 2023, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University, TX, United States
M.S. 2015, Micro. and Solid Electronics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China Micro and Solid Electronics
B.S. 2012, Micro. and Solid Electronics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Awards and Honors
2023 Ralph Budd Award for Best Thesis in the School of Engineering, Rice University
2020 Cadence Women in Technology Scholarship